Get Involved
You are invited to invest in the most important relationship in your life-- your marriage.
A healthy marriage is the greatest gift you can give to your families, your workplaces and the world.
These are uniquely interactive marriage workshops that offer practical skills to grow your marriage deeper in loving one another well.
A healthy marriage is the greatest gift you can give to your families, your workplaces and the world.
These are uniquely interactive marriage workshops that offer practical skills to grow your marriage deeper in loving one another well.
Weekend Workshops coming soon...Shedding Masks men’s retreat, Nov. 1-3 …Vic
The Hope-filled Marriage - at CTK Hope in Burlington, Nov. 8 & 9 |
Couples CoachingWe are available to meet one to one or couple to couple for personal marriage coaching. One time or continuous meetings are welcome! No two marriages are alike so content will be tailored to the needs of the individual and couple.
Schedule a meeting, in person or via Zoom with us today! |